It is true there is no perfect man out there but it is also true that every woman needs a perfect Man. In the world of women, there are things that qualifies a man to be perfect and these things I bet you, they can’t do without. Read along to find out the three things every woman needs from a perfect man.
- RESPECT is one essential thing every woman needs from the man she would spend her entire life with. A woman sees respect as everything and she needs to feel respected by your words, deeds and by the way you live your life. When you give her respect, she sees you like a baby and so would you also enjoy the benefits of being a baby.
- FRIENDSHIP is an envelope comprising of so many beautiful things including forgiveness, understanding, trust, honesty, care among many others, and every woman needs this envelope from the man she would sleep beside every night for the rest of her life. To be perfect for her, don’t pretend to be a friend, be a true friend.
- A DREAM is the most beautiful gift a woman expects from a perfect man. Women loves dreaming and they believe in their power to make dreams come true. They believe part of the reason for their existence is to help make the dream of a man come true and so when you give birth to a dream, you give a woman a reason to be with you always.
Did I miss anything? Do voice it out.
You have said it all, but still there are more to come. Still searching very soon, I will be through with out.
☺ Debby, certainly there are more to it, but those are bonuses and without them, I trust, a woman will be happy with a man with the fore mentioned essentials. I will be waiting for your findings though.
Wow very educative and more lessons to pick out. Bt we shdnt forget that all is reciprocal.
Thanks, Ernest. All is reciprocal but what makes a woman perfect definitely differs from what makes a man perfect, right?