Undoubtedly, romantic rejection is one of the most difficult situations to deal with, especially, while on campus or when you have academic duties to attend to. However, no matter how difficult the situation is, there is a way out. Discussed in this article are 5 practical ways to deal with romantic rejection.
1. Accept The situation.
“The best way out is to accept things the way they are and empathize with the person who’s rejected you,” Counselor Afua unveiled. It is true it is not easy to deal with rejection but it is also true that not accepting the situation makes it more difficult. Try your best to understand the person; try your best to understand the truth that they don’t want you. Do that and you are halfway dealing with your rejection.
2. Let It Flow.
I mostly tell my readers, “it is okay to grieve.” There’s absolutely nothing wrong with allowing the tears to flow or grieving because of rejection. In fact, to be able to deal with romantic rejection, you have to grieve, grieve and grieve again. But after letting the pain flow, use your grieve as a padlock to close that door, lift your head up high, and move on as if nothing happened; as if you never cried.
3. Focus On The Bright Side.
To every situation, there is a good side, and there is a bad side. In this case, the dark side is that; you will feel inferior, rejected and not good enough for the person you so much want to be with. What’s the bright side? The bright side is that; it will enable you to realize your worth, work on your bad habit, meet people who know your worth, and give you a taste of being cherished just as you are. So instead of focusing on the situation; focus on the bright side.
4. Make A Change.
“Add value to your life and you’re good to go”, Suleman, a victim of romantic rejection, had told me when I asked him about how he dealt with the situation. He later added that, the situation compelled him to critically observe his habits. He so much wanted to find out what exactly was wrong, and fortunately, he discovered one, which he worked on. So yes, if you really want to deal with this problem, check yourself, work on yourself (or always have something doing), make a change and add value to yourself.
5. Accept Invites.
It’s pathetic how victims of romantic rejection tend to reject others because of the pain of being rejected by those who meant a lot to them. Rejecting others means you have not and you are not ready to move on. Instead of rejecting invites, accept invites and surround yourself with people who make you feel special and worth being with. They might not be those you desire to be with but they help you a lot.
It’s your turn to share. Are you a victim of romantic rejection? How did you deal with the situation? Has any of the above ways worked for you or a friend? Do share in the comments section.