A class of sixty members of the Hospitality and Catering Management Department of the Koforidua Technical University on Friday October 6 2017 visited Akropong Akuapem to participate in the annual Odwira festival.
The main purpose of the visit was to augument the information the read in literatures with a first-hand information about the Odwira Festival.
Again it was a trip organised to recipocrate an earlier one done by the Akuapem Traditional Council to find areas of collaboration with the University.
On arrival, the team which was led by Rev.Otibo (lecturer in charge of tourism) was taken to certain Tourism Attractions in town.These included the tomb of the first ceremonial President of Ghana, the late Edward Akufo Addo and the wife, the Presbyterian Training College established in 1848 and the Okuapemhene palace.
At the forecourt of the palace, the team was treated to fontomfrom dance by a fontomfrom group from the palace.
Later, the frankaahene of the Okuapemhene took the team round the courts in the palace and narrated the history of the Akuapems. Opanyin Amponsah Gyasi, a custodian of custom culture and heritage narrated the history of Odwira festival.
Though there was no durbar as the Omanhene for the traditional area has not been installed, the pulp and pergentry that characterised the celebration of the festival was not taken out.