Every semester, you need to register new courses to continue being a student, it is the registration that makes you a student.
Some of you after paying fees feel that is the registration, No you need to log into your Student Information Portal (SIP) and register for all courses assigned to you.
- Go to sip.ktu.edu.gh
- Enter their full index numbers as a username
- Enter their password and
- Click on the “Course Registration Tab”
- Go to sip.ktu.edu.gh
- Enter their full index numbers as a username
- Enter the default password; sip4kdpoly (All should be in small caps/letters)
- Change the default password after logging into the system for the first time
- Re-enter your index number and the new password
- Click on the “course registration tab”
- Students are required to Register for the required courses for the Semester by adding the correct courses for the Second Semester (please check and be sure of the courses before registering)
- Confirm your registration after adding the correct courses
- Print a copy of your registration confirmation page. (NB: Remember to confirm your courses before printing)
- Logout from the system after registration
- Keep a copy as proof of Registration (No Photocopy)
Resolving challenges
If you have any issues during registration be it unable to log in, account holders, courses not listed for registration, etc
- Unable to log in – go to receptionist administration
- Account hold – Student account administration
- Courses not listed/More/less – ICT or your HOD
Some too, because of financial challenges, you end the semester without registration, which means that you haven’t registered for any course in the system, even if you write the examination, your marks can’t be entered until you register.
Please take the registration process serious and don’t leave it to chance, this is the last semester for 2018/19, all fees must be paid before you can register
This is your life, your future, don’t play with it, make the move to helping yourself and others will help you.
You can take advantage of the Financial Aid, SRC Aid, Students loan, and other scholarships around
Thank you
Please the time table is still not out ,how can I register my courses.am a first year student
did you read before commenting, the steps for register is there
@WEBMASTER when is the deadline for registration