Mostly, people define intelligence by academic excellence, well, its far from it. Intelligence should be your ability to use what ever you’ve learnt to better yourself – not your grades!
Well, take it or leave it, your grades don’t matter if you don’t know how to use those grades properly, your grades are a true reflection of what you did on paper! Not what you did on the job market – hell no!
Before i start, let me say congrats to whoever had a raise in his/her CGPA, make good use of the opportunities you’ll have and make sure they reflect practically, especially, it should make an impact on those around you.
Now to the subject matter, on the back of the release of last semester’s result, i have seen many students, walking on campus with low self esteem, which shouldn’t be so!
Listen, if your CGPA fell, never think you are behind, just make sure you aren’t below 1.5 and you are good to go, just focus!
Thinking of giving up only makes you a loser, you aren’t the first to fail a course! The CEO of Alibaba, Jack Ma, failed his entrance exams to Harvard ten times – lol, yes, i mean ten consecutive times, but he is currently richer than all the lecturers and administrators at Harvard.
You aren’t the first person to have a CGPA fall from 4.0 to 3.0, there are people in the world without CGPAs and they are equally making it.
Guess what, you can always come back, all you need is that can do spirit. Suicide, tears, and giving up, isn’t a solution.
Amidst all these, don’t give room to successive failure! Anytime you fail, learn from your failure and comeback strong. It is important to keep on fighting than giving up.
I encourage you to put in your best, yesterday was bad, forget about the Fs, forget about the number of resits you have, pick up the pieces and welcome the new you to success.
Again, note that what matters is what you do with your life, and your life is important than resits.
Neither hr nor there,the write-up is filled with conflicting concepts.
Well spoken, this can encourage someone.
On more serious note we should try and understand that, we are here to acquire knowledge and use that knowledge to solve problem around us.
Congrat, add ups, self recognition, ability to discover and to create, patience and doing away with procrastination can let you stand tall even taller than the highest tree on earth.