After hours of the release of the diabolic political message to tarnish the image of our presidential candidate OBED SAFO KANTANKA by some selfish students who calls themselves team Sly, the Sweet Agenda, Nyame Akasa team released a message to indicate fully that the publication and its contents were false and urged the entire student body to totally disregard it with the contempt it deserves and stated categorically that the CGPA of SAFO KANTANKA OBED stood at 3.5.
In the released, we called on the KTUinsider to do the honorable thing and the team would like to acknowledge we have seen a publication apologizing and disassociating himself from the malicious publication, we edge students to accept their apology and still keep the good faith in KTUINSIDER.
There was also a challenge on the authors of the misleading publication (Team Sly) Ernest Wilson Tay (SLY) and Paul Kelvin (STYLES) to prove beyond all reasonable doubts the basis and the source of their reportage to the entire student body. It seems to us that these two individuals are very proud about the act of forging documents to defame people and even let it kick them out of a race and also deforming their character. They have not yet responded to their misleading articles that they claimed had documents backing it and have not also contacted the team to even iron things out. We want to assure them that we all will go to the full length of the law to gain justices for this irresponsible act, the act of deformation of character, giving false information out, tempering with the results of students, attempt to commit fraud and committing fraud.
We want to call on the SRC president to immediately take an action against these guys since no student on campus is safe with his or her CGPA now. These guys could have forged a CGPA of a student and spend it around to tarnish his image. We believe this act can be done to any student since this is not the first time such act has been done by students in KTU in the quest for power. It will be prudent on the part of the SRC to report to the Dean of student for such an act to be investigated into and the perpetrators flashed out of the system. We trust our SRC president who is fighting for the cause of students will act quickly on this so that our CGPAs will be save but not be tempted with by some people within the school system and if possible band them from any activity around the student politics since they are in the act of forging things to benefit some people.
We want to affirm to all students to still disregard the publication by these self-centered individuals who wants to use this means to discredit our presidential candidate. We are still committed to working together with all students to create a better KTU.
All students of KTU
The SRC President
Team Sly (Ernest Wilson Tay (SLY) and Paul Kelvin (STYLES))
Thank you
Hans Ekow Botchway
Campaign Chairman, Team Nyame Akasa