In connection with Article 8 section 3 of the SRC constitution which gives the President the powers to appoint the Speaker of GA, the Clerk of GA, the Chief Justice, the Stores Officer, the Treasurer, Committees Chairman and other members, we indicate that applications letters are been accepted from any student who wishes to serve on any of the positions and committees within the SRC for the 2019/2020 academic year.
In the spirit of developing KTU and bringing the change we want to see, the Team Nyame Akasa is accepting applications from students who wishes to serve on the various committees and positions of the SRC that the President has been given the mandate by the constitution to appoint.
The application must include which position or committee you would like to serve on, the portfolio you would want to occupy within the committee and a little experience that will help with the work.
The application must be sent to the chairman of the team Boamah Asiedu Richmond (0547701330) in person by Tuesday 30th April 2019. This will enable the President elect assess your application and go through the due process to appoint the best fit for the work of the SRC to move on smoothly.
We believe you selfless act to serve will go a long way to develop KTU. Thank you for accepting to serve the students of KTU.
Thank you
Nyame Akasa