It’s already June (can you believe it?) and you guys should be well and truly settled in at your new Attachments.
Now it’s time to really get down to business and start working on being the best Attachee EVER.
During your Attachment, you will develop your skills, build up your resume with an amazing experience and have a great opportunity to network with people working in your field. Most importantly, you’re getting your foot in the door at a company you are really interested in and increasing your chances of landing a full-time job after you finish university.
To really impress, you guys should go the extra mile over the next few weeks because you never know what doors it may open in the future. Maybe your boss will be so impressed they’ll offer you a job, or give you an amazing reference when you need it? Who knows?
To help you make the most of this experience, I’ve put together some things you can do to stand out and really be the best Attachee you can be.
Do Your Homework
If you are really going to be the best Attachee ever, you should start working before you actually start work. You probably researched the company before you submit your attachment letter, but you should refresh your memory before you start.
Doing some additional research on your company’s history and culture is always a good idea too. Researching things like the company itself, the industry, industry buzzwords, your boss, and the people you might be working will make you look really knowledgable and feel more comfortable and confident when you start.
If you really want to hit the ground running, you could also email your future boss to see if there is any extra reading or prep work you can do before you start.
Show Your Commitment
Show up for work on time and, if necessary, stay on later in the evening. Do whatever it takes to get your work done and to get it done well! Being on time and staying on later than expected will show your boss how committed you are to doing a really good job. It’s these employees’ that are willing to sacrifice their own time by working overtime that gets noticed.
It can be hard for employers to find committed employees, so attachees who go the extra mile will stand out. Your Attachment will give your employer time to train you and track your progress, so take this time to prove to them that you are someone they need in their company even after your Attachment is over.
Treat It Like A Real Job
If you really want to be taken seriously by your boss, then you need to treat your Attachment like it’s a real job. Because it is! Even though you are an Attachee, your work will still have some form of an impact on the company, so make sure it’s good. You’re working in a real-world organization, so any work you do (or mistakes you make) will have an impact at some level.
Find A Mentor
One of the key things to be really successful at your Attachment will be finding a mentor who will support you, show you the ropes and, most importantly, that you will be able to learn from and ask for advice. Having a good mentor will make your transition from student to employee much easier and a lot less stressful.
Push Yourself
Don’t be afraid to push yourself and take on some responsibilities that go beyond your job description. This is your time to shine and learn as much as you possibly can, so rather than limiting yourself to the tasks set out in the job description, use it as a starting point.
Ask Questions
You are an Attachee, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. In fact, asking questions is a good thing and your boss will expect it. It shows you are willing to learn, are motivated and have a genuine interest in your job.
Stay Off Snapchat!
Save social media (Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter… everything) for your lunch break! Unless your job involves working with social media, stay off it and focus on why you are there. You are there to learn and get valuable experience, so make the most of the time you have and devote it to developing your skills. Remember, social media isn’t going anywhere and it will be there when you are on your own time, not your company’s.
Make sure you capitalize on your time with your company and take the opportunity to meet as many of your co-workers as possible – especially those in other departments. If you are working in a big company, you may only have the chance to work closely with certain people in one specific area. This is why it important for you to make a conscious effort to build quality relationships and make connections with people throughout the whole company. You never who you may meet that could possibly support you in the future or who you could even someday work with.
While you can network to get to know important or influential people in your company, you should also take some time to get to know other attachees and people you are working with away from your work environment. Interning is a great opportunity to meet new people you may never have the opportunity to meet otherwise, but remember to behave. You are treating this Attachment like a real job, so always be professional.
Ask For Feedback
Last but definitely not least, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback throughout your time with the company. This shows your employer that you’re eager to do whatever it takes to do your job well. It will also allow you to find out what your strengths and weaknesses are, so you can get working on them before you leave.
There you have it, 10 tips that will set on track to being the best Attachee you can possibly be. Take these tips and go be amazing!