The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a unique Identification number issued to taxpayers or/and potential taxpayers for official transactions with specified institutions.
The Revenue Administration Act 2016, (Act 915) provides for the Administration of the Tax Identification Number for the use to individuals and organization and companies.
Complete an online Individual TIN application by clicking here.
What documents do I need to apply for TIN?
You need any of the following documents to apply:
- Valid Drivers’ License
- Valid Passport
- Voters ID
- National Identification Card (NID)
- How do I apply for TIN? Individual
Online process:
Complete an online Individual TIN application by clicking here.
Check the validity of your TIN here.
Why I Need A TIN?
The Ghana Revenue Authority –
To clear goods from any port or factory.
To receive payment subject to withholding under the Income Tax Act, 2015, (Act 896)
To obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate
The Controller and Accountant General’s Department-
To receive payment from the Controller and Accountant General’s Department or a Local Government Authority in respect of a contract for the supply of any goods, works or provision of any services
The Registrar General’s Department-
To obtain a certificate to commence business or a business permit issued by the Registrar General’s Department or a local Government Authority
The Registrar of Cooperatives –
To register a co-operative
The Lands Commission –
To register a title to a piece of land, interest in land or any document affecting land
The Courts –
To file a court case
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority –
To obtain a driver license
The Ghana Immigration Service –
To obtain a passport
The Banks, Insurance Companies and other financial institutions –
The Manufacturing Companies –
Ministries, Departments & Agencies;
Metropolitan, Municipals and District Assemblies;
Government, Sub-divisions of Government and other Public Institutions
Professional Bodies (refer to GeGov) renewing practicing license
The benefits of the TIN
Ease access to government services
To access tax history
To access Tax Clearance Certificate
Sanctions to TIN:
A person who is required to register under the law and fails to register as required under the law commits an offence and is liable to summary conviction
False and misleading statement
The TIN is free. No payment to obtain the TIN.
For complaints report to the service desk (
Contact the GRA – Tel: +233- (0) 302 904545 / +233- (0) 302 904546