After the morning routines, I decided to take a stroll that early morning under the fast rising sun. The beauty of its radiance coupled with the chirping sounds of the early morning birds was soothing like the fragrance of the queen of the night that dominates its environment in the late hours of the day.
It’s a Wednesday and kids were preparing for school. Grandmas and grandpas were still lying comfortably in bed, perhaps reminiscing on the lives they lived decades ago. Civil and public servants were fast disposed to go to their places of work — places they can hardly joke with.
Yes! Talking about work, I asked myself why the majority of these people barely had time for their personal lives and stuffs. With such commendable commitment to duty, their bosses and employers, I felt their families deserved a little more.
I could think of nothing more than a system designed with structures that compel us to live within the designed velodrome or racetrack. Perhaps what Robert Kiyosaki describes as the ‘rat race’.
Believe it or not, ninety-nine percent of the entire world’s population are stuck in this velodrome. The primary reason for this stagnation however, is the fact that, they have not yet discovered that the system in which they are living has laid on their heads loads of limitations — in deeds, words and thought.
However, there is a good news; there are a handful of people who make up the 1%. These are people who have broken the boundaries of the racetrack and set themselves free from the loads of limitations that the system laid on them. The dominating power of the world resides in these handful because they broke free from the system in order to dominate their world.
Learn to understand how the system controls virtually every facet of your life and devise means to break free.