It takes a million people to build a very good reputation, but it takes one stupid fool to destroy everything you have built. – Lucky Dube.
Is this not absurd to hear every blessed day our female students claim a lecturer keeps harassing them s*xually and all you can think about. For how long are we going to ride on this hearsay. I boldly condemn s*xual harassment on female students and I must say all this acts shouldn’t be condoned in our society and all culprits must be brought to the appropriate quarters to be dealt with.
Now, University is not a hub for jokers neither a playing field for kids. We are in a society where the young don’t regard anything at a certain period in their lifetime. This young ladies, as soon as they get to a certain level, they don’t heed to any advice, they do what pleases them, dress half n***dly like night workers, behaves like grownups, and involve themselves in certain acts that calls for kind of reactions from the opposite s*x.
What will get a lady attracted to a man s*xually, if not the lady exposing herself n***dly to a man. What will trigger him to approach you in a s*xual manner if not what he sees.
These students can go extra by exposing their n***dness to get attention from a certain guy she is crushing on. The world is such that, from where you expect your goal, there failure too comes from. You can’t live a lifestyle to attract a man of your choice without attracting what you don’t expect.
Reading an article about a University Student claiming being harassed s*xually by a lecturer with a threat of failing her is something I think it should be entertained anymore in the university community. Enough of undermining the credibility and integrity of a lecturer. Eyebrows shouldn’t be raised against lecturers anymore. Dragging the reputable title in the mud by mere allegations by indecent female students should end now. We are tired of this slay queens tempting our male lecturers s*xually by their dressing on various campuses.
In as much as we condemn s*xual harassment doesn’t give room for mere allegations to keep people in the university community in suspense. Every student who feels one certain man is harassing her s*xually, should go straight to the appropriate office to report him. We are tired of this allegations.
There are respected, reputable lecturers who are responsible and will never indulge this kind of act and for that matter, we shouldn’t sit aloof for any spoilt child to undermine the credibility of a lecturer.
Lucky Dube once said “Love me the way I am”. If all lecturers are women, I don’t think we would be where are today, and if all lecturers are men, I’m not sure we would be where we are today. The equity and equality campaign today has eradicated so many barriers of a girl child and for that matter wishing for only female lecturers will do us no good but bring about enmity in the gender balance.
It’s about time our female students who cries harassment everyday step up to be responsible for once. You don’t show your thighs and expect anointing from a prophet.
This write-up is solely my opinion and I take responsibilities for it.
Thank you.
I’m very disappointed by the writer. The writer either does not know what he is talking about or he is just a misogynist
Lol I understand you will never get to understand it. We are in a community where people just make allegations without proofs to tarnish people’s image. Let it happen to you and you will understand