The Management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has released postings of Three Thousand and Sixteen (3016) nurses for the 2019/2020 service year to various health facilities in all the sixteen (16) regions across the country to undertake their mandatory one-year national service.
These includes Registered Community nurses, Midwifery nurses, General nurses and Mental nurses who have been duly trained and successfully passed their Licensure Exams conducted by the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
All eligible nurses who registered for national service are kindly requested to log onto on the Scheme’s website to check their placements and the proceed to the various NSS Registration Centers to complete their registration processes.
Prospective Service Personnel and the general public are to note that registration and validation starts on Monday, 21st October, 2019.
For the avoidance of doubt, the following are the procedures that the Newly Trained Nurses will have to go through to get registered and validated;
- Visit the NSS website
- Click on check postings, and sign in to print a copy of the appointment letter.
- Proceed to the user agency (health facility) for the endorsement of appointment letter by the human resource manager with official stamp.
- After endorsement by the user agency, visit the NSS website to schedule an appointment indicating date and time for regional validation and acceptance.
- National Service Personnel accepted by user agency and has booked appointment should proceed to the NSS Regional Zonal Registration Centre for validation and registration to obtain Regional Acceptance Number (RAN).
- After validation, print a new appointment letter which has the “RAN” and make three photocopies. Submit a copy to the user agency and keep one.
It is important to note that the 2019/2020 service year for the newly trained Registered Nurses starts immediately after registration and validation.
Management wishes to urge all the posted nurses to accept their placements and consider them as part of their contribution towards building a prosperous Ghana.