Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh who is minister of Education has come out that the national democratic Congress party the NDC’s are behind this strike, the strike declaration was just a plan from some heads executives who are in the education department but they are NDC and they are doing politics to defame NANA ADDO GOVERNMENT.
So if what education minister is saying is true then what ceased him to continue his investigation till he will see those who are behind his failures and take their position from them to avoid this stupid attitude politics in which we practice in Ghana.
If opposition party has influenced all Ghanaian teachers to go strike then it means NPP government is not biased they have employed citizens not party members so if a citizen is doing politics to condemn government then the education minister supposed to get rid of them.
There are more unemployed people who are looking for jobs so how can someone says because of arrears that the government suppose to clear and he hasn’t clear so they will go on strike?
We are all citizens so if some are are not serious, take them off and fixed the serious ones in.
I’m holding a degree in education but I teach in private school for just GHS250 Per a month and I’m content to it.
So how can someone i have the same degree as you have but you take big amount every month and still complains about arrears?
Education minister must get rid of all those who are behind this strike to proof his seriousness.