In our earlier publication on getting started with the Virtual Learning Environment by activating your new Institutional Email Account, We noticed most students have forgotten their password to the Student’s Information Portal where they can retrieve their institutional email. others also have false impression whether students who were not able to register for the second semester could take part in the Virtual Learning Environment, yes they can.
Considering the above issues, we have come out we a very simple and easy way to retrieve your institutional email without having to log into SIP.
Source: | ICT Directorate
I wasn’t able to register for the second semester even though i paid the fees 2 days before the deadline …. i was also facing difficulties in registering because the fees i paid wasn’t reflecting in my account in the osis and i dont know why it took about 3 days before it reflected and by that time registration was over …. and i tried reaching the school via phone call but the line wasnt going through and also beacuse i was in Accra…. and there was no way i could get to koforidua and rectify the problem before the lockdown
…i am worried
Can you pls be of any help
Thank you
Report to the Students Services office when school resume
I have paid all me fees
Please my Date of birth has change in my student portals.can you you help me
Report to the Students Services office when school resume
Please my date of on student portals is not accurate please can you help me.