Do not allow yourself to be used by any greedy, corrupt and nepotistic politician whose aim is to destroy the future generations with a tool of manipulating them to cause riots on Election Day.
We are the future leaders of this noble country, the day to day affairs of the country will one day be our sole responsibility, so let’s continue to contribute towards building a peaceful and harmonious society for everyone to live in.
We can use the formal and informal approach to educate ourselves, brothers and sisters on issues based on politics and policy orientation, let them know voting is their constitutional right and everybody must be given a fair chance to select a competent candidate of their choice.
If the election is only about fighting, using unethical words, using guns and other serious weapons to elect our leaders, then a country like Ghana won’t survive the task of democracy, however, we have a stable democracy which no one can destroy for his/her personal interests.
A country can gain a sustainable economy and development when there are peace and harmony, let’s be an agent of peace during and after the elections.
Ebenezer Havor
Anti-corruption campaigner 🇬🇭