The coronavirus has dramatically changed our lives. One thing it has shown us, we don’t really need as much as we thought we needed.
Since the arrival of this pandemic, leading to the closure of schools, most universities have adopted online lessons for students, KTU was not an exception, they provided an online platform to help students complete their course work for 2019/2020 academic year.
A lot of systems have now been put in place for teaching and learning to be flexible, few I will mention is the new Student’s Information Portal (SIP) and the re-introduction of institutional email for students.
Past and continuing students should have no challenges accessing these services, the university has taken it’s time to outline the steps to activate the new SIP and how to log into your institutional email of which we have reposted them here.
Steps To Activate New Students Information Portal (SIP)
Your Institutional Email’s Activation Steps
My article is for the freshers how have joined us for the 2020/2021 academic year, most of you have gone through the registration process and have been given an index number and an email address.
index Number
it will be your unique identifier in all academic work, it will replace your applicant ID and in some cases replace your name, from next semester or next academic year when paying school fees, you will be required to quote it on all your pay-in-slips at the bank and during all kinds of examination or classwork on campus.
Institutional Email Address
the email address given to you at the registration centres is the combination of your first name and index number without the “/” in it. (eg This email with is connected to the university’s Campus-Wi-Fi communications system. It is therefore important for you to activate yours as soon as possible and also to ensure that you never miss important university communications. Additionally, you’ll use it to access the University library services and Students Information Portal (SIP)
As it stands, we learnt these accounts will be created in batches as and when you go through the registration process. if you try activating your account and have an invalid credential, just be patient with the system, your account will be created and you should be able to access it.
Student’s Information Portal (SIP)
Student Information Portal (SIP) enables students to access their bio-data, personal Account (fees), Examination Results, Academic Course Registration, and Lecturers Appraisal/Evaluation. Every year, staff from the ICT Directorate takes fresh students through this system to help them appreciate the importance of the SIP during their orientation.
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