The newly posted teachers who received their appointment letters dated 30th November 2020, just finished their biometric data in March 2021, and were expecting to receive their salaries in full but have been slapped with disappointment after the validation window for April was open on the 19th of April 2021.
Upon going through their validation process many of these newly posted teachers have realized that their January salary was paid less than half of the month meanwhile their assumption of duty letter was dated 4th January 2021.
Our checks have revealed that on the appointment letters of these newly posted teachers that “you paid your salary from the effect of the day of your assumption of duty” based on this most of these newly recruited teachers reported to places of duties as early as 4th January 2021 due to the far place of their homes some of them could not return back but rather stayed and waited for the president directive of resumption date of the basic schools, which was 18th January 2021.
Because school was to resume on 18th January 2021 these newly posted teachers were forced by GES to change their assumption of duty date to 18th January 2021, what GES fail to notice is that some of these newly posted teachers, when they reported to their station on 4th January 2021, did not go home because they are willing to serve their nation.
Newly posted teachers want GES and controller and accountant general department to explain to them why they have been deductions on their January salary meanwhile teachers who are already in the field also did not work from 1st -17th January meanwhile their salaries have paid in full.
Newly recruited teachers found this half January payment has unfair treatment and therefore call on the government, Ges and the controller and accountant general department to rescind their decision of half payment of January 2021 salary and also pay them full salary has the did to the teachers who are already in the field.