If you have forgotten your NTC Teacher Portal Ghana password but have access to your email, then this definitive post will assist you on how to log in to your account with a new password to register for the license.
According to a statement copied to Educationweb.com.gh, the deadline for the NTC Teacher Portal Ghana registration has indefinitely been extended.
Qualified in-service teachers have been urged to visit the Teacher Portal Ghana https://tpg.ntc.gov.gh/ to register for the NTC teaching license.
How to reset forgotten NTC Teacher Portal Ghana password
1. Using an internet-connected computer or laptop visit here
2. Enter your email address (The one you used for the registration)
3. Click “Send reset link”
4. Check your email for a message from NTC TPG
5. Click on it and follow the instructions to reset your password
How to reset forgotten Teacher Portal Ghana email and password
According to NTC, If you have forgotten both your password and email, you can use your telephone number to recover your account.
1. Using an internet-connected computer or laptop visit here
2. Enter your telephone number (The one you used for the registration)
3. Click “Send OTP”
4. An OTP will be sent to you within 15 minutes
5. After receiving your OTP go back to https://tpg.ntc.gov.gh/acc…/send-one-time-password/teacher and enter your telephone number again
6. A field will be made available to you to enter the OTP code
7. Enter the OTP code sent to your telephone and submit
8. Once your account is opened, click “Reset password”.
9. Click “Change email” to change the email of the current account to a new one so you can use that to login
10. Click “Update account password” to update the password of the account.
11. On your next login, use your new email and password to login
Source: Educationweb.com.gh