Teaching is one of the leading and interesting profession in the whole wide world and so young ones are also looking forward to pursued such carrier. Notwithstanding, most young ones try to copy whatever their teacher does such as, how they talk, how they walk, how they eat, how they look and lastly how they dress.
If a kid or a teenager is coping all these things from a teacher then as a teacher you should try your possible best to do things in the right way in other for the student to copy the right thing .
However, a teacher can be forced to dress in a particular ways since everyone has the right to do whatever they want. And also the teaching is their profession life which is different from their personal life. Also, the endowed ones they should not be allow to dress anyhow because whatever they do call for attention and sometimes distract the student. For instance, a slim person will put on an expose dress but it will not really call for attention but if an endowed lady wear the same thing it will call for crowd which in my opinion it is very bad and not good way to dress as a renounce and satisfied teacher.
If you will side with me, students are every sensitive especially those in their teen age they try their very best to overcome certain things because things start to develop and try to find meaning to them yet they can’t find any. So if a teacher also dress anyhow it will be every tempting and will not make them concentrate in class which is bad.
Further More, everyone and the way they do their own things but for the sake of the profession they should at least try their possible best to do things that will impact positive into the kids and also the society as a whole. In another perspective, all teachers should have a decent dressing code that will be uniform and with this it will solve this problem.
Consider the pictures is it right for a teacher to dress like this to school.