The Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education wishes to inform all teacher trainees that after a thorough consultation with relevant stakeholders, the resumption of the second semester academic works is set and confirmed to be May 8, 2021.
Teacher trainees are to note that the semester is in two phases and to effect, Level 100 and 300 students will first report for the face-to-face contact lectures while level 200 goes online.
However, the Summary of the academic calendar is in progress and will later be forwarded to all trainees for more details on the semester.
E-Learning in Colleges Of Education
The outbreak of the novel Covid-19 pandemic has brought about the introduction of e-learning in tertiary institutions in Ghana.
Colleges of Education across the country began the Academic year with a learning system known as the ‘Blended Learning System’.
What is a ‘Blended Learning System’? It is a way of delivering education in which students learn via online and electronic media together with traditional face-to-face teaching.
Blended learning was introduced in the Colleges of Education due to the high number of students admitted for the 2020/21 Academic year.