Do you know that cellulite is a metabolic disease that affects many women and It is characterized by functional and physiological changes in fibrous tissue, circulatory disorders and enlarged fat cells.
In addition, it does not imply a serious risk to health, although in some cases it may trigger other ailments. It is best known for being an aesthetic problem that causes many discomforts. It can even affect your self-esteem.
The lack of physical activity aggravates the situation. The practice of physical exercise helps the blood circulation and the metabolism of fat cells.
An excessive diet of calories leads to an increase in the weight of the fat cells. This makes the process of cellulite worse.
Among the main symptoms of the appearance of cellulite we note:
👌 Heaviness in the lower limbs due to accumulation of fluid (edema) and waste
👌 Edema on the ankles
👌 Cramps
👌 Cold feet
👌 Varicose Veins
👌 spontaneous bruising
👉 1 avocado (Avocado is a fruit rich in nutrients that moisturize the skin)
👉 2 tablespoons oatmeal (30 g)
👉 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 g)
Method of use:
wash the avocado well and cut it in half then use spoon and separate the fleshy part of the skin and the nucleus.
Add it to a bowl and crush it into a paste.
Add oats and olive oil and mix well until smooth.
Apply to the areas where you have cellulite, massage gently with your fingers and leave for 20 minutes.
Then remove with a lot of cold water
Repeat the treatment about three times a week to get good results,..I have not seen less in the power of natural recipe the joy and it’s results are endless.
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